Our woodlands are a key tool in the box when addressing climate change for their carbon storage potential, but are less well known for their potential to limit flooding events, with wet woodlands…
Local group events
Opening and Events at Warley Place
60th Anniversary Events
Wet woodland
Wet woodlands in the UK can be wild, secretive places. Tangles of trailing creepers, tussocky sedges and lush tall-herbs conceal swampy pools and partially submerged fallen willow trunks, likely…
The woodland drummers
Meet the dawn chorus’s percussion section…
My focus
For her A-Level Photography project, Emily-Jane is taking images of the landscapes that she loves; combining her two passions – photography and wildlife – so she can express herself in creative…
My focus
Sorrel has been birdwatching all of her life with her grandparents. She is passionate about promoting wildlife to children at her school and through her local Wildlife Watch group. She loves the…
Dementia friendly walks at Belfairs Woodland Centre
Belfairs Woodland Centre is helping to get people living with dementia outside in nature.
Peter Rabbit Woodland Trail
Befuddling brown birds
Our guide to identifying the small brown birds in your garden.