Local group events
Opening and Events at Warley Place
60th Anniversary Events
Illustrated Talk-Butterflies and Moths
The local group Annual General Meeting (AGM) at 7.30pm will be followed by a talk on butterflies and moths, delivered by Dougal Urquhart.
Illustrated talk by Peter Warne the esteemed naturalist
Join Havering Local Group for a talk by Peter Warne on "Finding Wildlife in Epping Forest".
British birds of prey talk
Alasdair Greenyer will give a talk on British birds of prey (with some live birds), giving an insight into the lives of these magnificent raptors.
Abberton Home Education Outdoor Science
This is a themed drop-off home education session for age 8+
Abberton birds of prey talk and flight evening
Join Essex Wildlife Trust and Imperial Bird of Prey Academy for a talk about birds of prey on Friday 4 April 🦉
Abberton birds of prey talk and flight evening
Join Essex Wildlife Trust and Imperial Bird of Prey Academy for a talk about birds of prey on Friday 6 June 🦉
Illustrated Talk-Our Threatened Bats
Speakers from Essex Bat Group will bring us up-to-date on some of our local species.
Seashore Science Lab at the Naze Nature Discovery Centre
Experiments and discovery in our pop-up coastal laboratory!