Tiptree Family Forest Fun

Ingrebourne Bug Hunting

Tiptree Family Forest Fun

A woodland adventure for all the family to enjoy.

Event details


10:00am - 12:00pm
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About the event

Explore the woods at Tiptree Heath. Build dens, swing in a hammock, look for bugs, climb trees, create natural craft, cook a tasty treat on the fire (weather permitting), and discover lots more!

Meeting instructions will be sent after booking, just before the event. Advanced booking is essential and all children must be accompanied by an adult. Please note, there are no toilet facilities available at this site and dogs are not permitted to attend this session.

Please find the event booking terms and conditions below:

Booking terms and conditions



£7.73 per child (price includes booking fee & VAT)

Suitable for

Families, Children

Contact us

Tiptree Heath Nature Reserve