Oxley Meadow Nature Reserve
Experience the wonder of up to 75,000 Green-winged Orchids in this small meadow nature reserve
59 results
Experience the wonder of up to 75,000 Green-winged Orchids in this small meadow nature reserve
The only place in Essex where you will find all three Heather species growing together and the largest area of lowland heathland in the county
With the backdrop of the infamous red lightship, walk along the famous Essex marshes and experience wild Essex at its best
Take a walk around one of the best coastal grazing marshes in Essex, with its amazing display of wintering wildfowl and rare saltmarsh plants
Lying near the banks of the River Stour, this reserve is special for its mix of open water, fen and wet scrub.
Visit this beautiful woodland in spring to be fully immersed in a sea of colour, as the wildflowers that carpet this ancient woodland show off their bright flowers
This ancient woodland is noted for its small-leaved lime coppice, an indication that the northern part of the wood has existed since prehistoric times.
Colne Point is an impressive expanse of saltmarsh, creek and shingle, running along the coastline at the mouth of the Colne Estuary
Years of tidal currents have formed this special shell bank of cockle and oyster shells which surrounds an extensive saltmarsh, home to thousands of wintering birds
Visit a reserve that is brimming with amazing bird species in every corner in every month of the year, with lovely views over the Stour Estuary
206 results