Blog: Winter


deer in distance

Who goes there?

Our wildlife can be sneaky and hard to spot, especially in the colder months. Keep your eyes on the ground for clues and use this helpful guide to get you started.

Common toad

A toad's transformation

From jelly-encased eggs to aquatic larvae with gills, to fully grown adults with legs and lungs, common toads have quite the transformation when growing up. Read about their fascinating lifecycle…


Helping hibernators

During winter it’s easy to understand why some of the UK’s wildlife decides to hibernate. It’s cold, dark and resources aren’t as plentiful, so sometimes it’s better to hunker down and give the…

Tufted ducks

How to identify diving ducks

The arrival of thousands more ducks to our wetlands is one of the highlights of winter. Learn about the more widespread species and some of the rarer diving ducks that can be spotted during this…

Pine cones decorations

Enjoy an eco-Christmas!

Christmas is a beautiful and fun-filled time however it can be harmful to wildlife and the environment. We give our top tips on having an eco-Christmas this year!

Flock of Brent Geese

Brent Geese and Winter Wetlands

The reserve is flooding up again after a long, dry summer, and the Brent Geese have returned, all the way from their breeding grounds in Siberia!

Katie- Abberton Ranger

Assistant Ranger Blog Autumn 2019

My name is Katie and I am the new Assistant Ranger here at Abberton reservoir nature reserve. I love all wildlife, especially Bats! I am currently doing a MSc in Wildlife Conservation and am very…

Fieldfare in snow by Margaret Holland

How to help garden birds this winter

January can be a difficult time of year for wildlife, as the long cold nights continue and natural food sources become harder to find. Lorna Shaw, Biological Records Centre Co-ordinator at Essex…

Snipe in Snow

Abberton Ranger Blog – February 2018

February concluded the hedge planting for this season, totalling 6,000 trees planted, and taking the grand total that has been planted on site by rangers and volunteers so far to 76,000. Some…