Blog: Charlotte Bradley


Sunset Abberton

Abberton Ranger Blog – May 2018

Early May has had much warmer weather, with some beautifully sunny days bringing out the leaves on the trees in the woodland and hedges

Nightingale Photo Credit- Andrew Goldmsith

Abberton Ranger Blog – April 2018

April has been a varied month of some really hot days and also squally rain showers and cool wind. However it has been a great month for the return of many of our migratory bird species

Snipe in Snow

Abberton Ranger Blog – February 2018

February concluded the hedge planting for this season, totalling 6,000 trees planted, and taking the grand total that has been planted on site by rangers and volunteers so far to 76,000. Some…

Abberton Reservoir Visitor Centre

Abberton Ranger Blog – January 2018

The new year has begun with lots of nice birds being seen at Abberton, including a Shag out on the water, Smew, Goldeneye, Goosander, Dartford warbler, Little stint, Barn owl, Water rail, Pergrine…

Hedge Planting

Abberton Ranger Blog – December 2017

Well, we got some rain! This week we passed the 1,000 tree mark of the 5,500 we are planting this winter in various hedgerows around the reservoir paths.

Tree Planting

Abberton Ranger Blog – November 2017

We have begun this winter's tree planting! It wasn't the best start. The weather has been extremely dry, and the ground of the area we are working in is particularly stony and hard.